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Membership Class

Membership Class

Purpose: This class provides a basic understanding of what it means to be a professing member of Christ’s church. It is for anyone interested in making public profession of faith and for those who want to learn more about Trinity URC before transferring their membership from another church.

Expectation: Taking this class does not obligate you to make a public profession of faith. If you find that you are not ready, or if it is determined that you would benefit from further instruction, we will simply delay your meeting with the Consistory until we agree you are ready. There is no timeline as to your readiness as we trust the Holy Spirit to work in your heart through the preaching and teaching of God’s word. However, baptized members of Trinity should fully expect the pastor and elders to remind and encourage them to become professing members. While there is no set age, it is typical that a baptized member makes public profession of faith during their teens or early twenties.

Preparation: Before class each week, you are expected to have read the materials and answered the questions so you’re properly prepared for class discussion. The materials will be handed out to you on the first day of class.

Sign up: Please fill in the form below to sign up for the next class set to begin in mid-February of 2024. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Weaver.